Raw Sheep Milk 

Helping Dairy Sensitive People, Like You, 

Enjoy the Milky Treats You Dream About!

🐑🐑 New For 2024🐑🐑

I will be freezing excess milk in 1 and 2 quart bottles.

I have frozen and thawed cow milk, goat milk and Sheep Milk

Sheep Milk has the best flavor and texture!

And what is easier than funneling Sheep Milk into a bottle?

Thawing Sheep Milk that is already in a bottle!

Why Sheep Milk?

My journey toward sheep milk started when 2 of my children were sensitive to milk from the store!!!

After many trips to the dermatologist and being told they were allergic to all kinds of things, 

I decided to try goat milk and see if it made a difference. 

It did!! 

Within days the children's' eczema was clearing up.  

But buck goats smell bad!!! 

And goats love to get out of their pens and jump on your car!!! 

So we tried A2A2 milk cows!

Yay! No more eczema! 

And no more dents in the car!

But cows are big and bulls are scary!

And it takes 2 years for a calf to produce milk.

While waiting for our 2nd cow to produce a calf and give us milk,

I discovered Milk Sheep!

And now look at the treats my family can enjoy!!!

Fresh Sheep Milk

Rich and creamy sheep milk is one of the most digestible foods. People like myself, who are sensitive to milk products can tolerate sheep milk.   The taste is similar to whole cow milk only sweeter. 

Sheep Milk Kefir

Kefir is a fermented milk that is even more digestible than fresh milk. If you add a little fruit and sweetener, it becomes a health shake to rival the best out there. 

Cream Cheese

The cream cheese pictured has been frozen and thawed and the texture is as good as freshly made. Cream cheese is made with whole milk + extra cream. Sheep milk is already super creamy! Strawberry cream cheese is one of my very favorite things!!!


Yes butter!!! The first cream I separated was as thick as paste, but I have figured out how to get thinner cream which makes delicious cultured butter in just a few minutes. Cream from our milk cow sometimes took 5 hours to turn to butter!!!

 Sheep milk is rich and creamy. Rams smell fine and are small and manageable. And no more eczema!!!

