Herd Share Contract

Copies of this form are available to fill out 

on your first visit to the Creamery.

In compliance with the Utah Dairy Act (Utah Code Chapter 4-3-102-2), I as the producer, will provide a Bill of Sale at the time a share of my herd is purchased along with a boarding arrangement contract for myself and the purchaser to sign.  This contract will be re-evaluated each year and new contracts will begin each April. 

*Please keep track of this record, after purchasing a share or shares, so I can buy your shares back if needed. 

Herd Share Bill of Sale and Boarding Arrangement

On this date:____________________ I,___________________________________ enter into this herd share arrangement with The Briar Patch Creamery. I have purchased _______ Shares of: name of ewe _______________________.  I hereby request that the producer keep my ewe on the farm to board and care for her, providing her a safe environment with good fencing, pasture, hay, grain, water, health care, breeding, shearing, assisted lambing if needed, milking and the processing of milk. In exchange for the care of my ewe, I agree to pay $20 per week, every week throughout the year. 

I understand that milk sheep need year-round care but only give milk about half the year. For this reason, I will receive 2 quarts of milk per share per week during the milking season, and  frozen milk during the winter months.  

This contract is binding from the date signed until the next April.  An updated contract will be signed yearly each April, if both parties agree to the terms. 

I understand that the raw milk and raw milk products I receive are for use of myself and my family and are not to be resold to a third party.  

I agree to pay for this boarding arrangement on a weekly basis and pick up products at least every 4 weeks. If 5 weeks go by without making a payment for the care of my ewe, my shares will be automatically forfeited and returned to the Briar Patch Creamery to be sold to another participant in the herd share program. 

It is also my understanding that if I decided to sell my share/shares of this ewe, the producer will buy it/them back for the price I paid which is outlined below.  

Signature of purchaser:_________________________________________Date: _________________

Signature of Briar Patch Creamery Rep.:____________________________________________________

Bill of Sale: (example)

__(2)_____ share/s of the ewe ____(Buttercup)__________________ have been purchased for $_(200.00 = $100.00 per share)

by ________(your name)_______________________ on (original date of purchase)_(this date last year)____________. These _(2)__shares represent a _(50)_____% interest in this ewe. 

If the above-mentioned ewe becomes defective in any way, The Briar Patch Creamery reserves the right to transfer the share/s to a more suitable dairy sheep. 

In the event of a long-term power outage, a debilitating illness or other unfortunate event that prevents the proper care of the dairy herd, or the producer is unable to perform the activities required to retrieve and process milk, all shares will be repurchased by Briar Patch Creamery.

Signature of Briar Patch Rep:_____________________________________________________

Note: Sheep multiply at an amazing rate! The fact that I have only 10 ewes after 6 years of owning milk sheep shows how picky I can be about conformation, personality, mothering ability, etc. I reserve the right to cull any ewe that I feel is unproductive in any way (poor udder conformation, needing assisted lambing, unwilling to care for her lambs, etc.) and replace her with a ewe of better quality. The share holders of a ewe being culled will be notified before the change is made. Share holders will be given the opportunity to purchase the remaining shares of the cull ewe and take her home and care for her there if they are so inclined. 

